

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

Dig It or Don't...


Dig It or Don’t


Sitting here having a sip of coffee on this Friday, it's actually a little past noon. My day has started off a little slower than usual but that's okay I realize there is no rush or race that we are truly in. Technically I can’t be late to a world that I create. It's strange when it seems more appealing stepping out of the fast lane. Especially when you are use to going, going, going. Once you do it’s quite amazing. You actually become a little more aware and life becomes a little more enjoyable. We all seem to have our own garden’s to dig yet never take time to plant the seed nor to nature the garden long enough to reap its benefits. It’s this lack of tending to our own garden’s that make’s it seem stressful dealing with one just as our personal life experiences good or bad. I guess that is why I have looked inward to see better looking outward. I have a lot of visions that I see as successful even if they are not considered amazing to anyone but myself. That though is a great life to me.Especially as this year seems to make us more aware even if to most it just for the moment. It is the weird way of wisdom that comes with these thoughts of looking back to move forward sometimes yet being happy with the perspective at your current present time. We are never going to be happy and I still find it relatively strange that we even find it controllable. One thing is for sure life is better strolling through it from time to time looking at we have and can attain with just patience and forgiveness. You might not always be able to attend to the garden however that doesn’t mean you should just neglect it. Always plant seeds, water and be constant with a schedule and your garden will grow…


Back to sound like Joe Dirt I suppose.


That however is a great philosophy and metaphor for life.


Life’s a garden. Dig it.


Have an awesome Friday and also remember to sometime’s just say, “Fuck it.”





Your Friend


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Animation & Accomplishment

Animation and Accomplishment.Animation & Accomplishment


So this week in revue and it’s only Thursday. I have been back to work on a commission for a client as well as the animation project I’m doing with my good friend Kevin Besignano. I have been back to occupying my mind with that talent of living inside my mind. It’s nice to be able to be in different worlds.


The painting is 30”x40” of a Sea Horse Unicorn to match one I painted last year for them. It’s been nice to get back into some oils. I really can’t help but love being able to switch back and fourth in between different mediums. This one is coming along just perfectly. I look forward to sharing it once I’m finished.


As for the animation Kevin and I are working on. It was an idea we had over this year when we managed to make it out to the North Hollywood Mexican Restaurant Casa Vega’s. He brought it up to my attention that David Lynch had been doing these little animations and thought it would be rad to do something like it. Of course without skipping a beat I said, “Yes.” Since I could remember cartoons are all the basis of my thoughts, influences and probably even bad jokes. However, being this was going to be our first project in this realm I worked out everything in my head as well as a story line to follow. Knowing of Kevin’s talents with music and computer wizardry him and I should at least be proud to present it to those children we have in our life like his own Bella. Not too mention it is a total passion project in which I feel him and I chase more than the one’s that might get us somewhere. Regardless, I’m very excited about it. I hope you all will enjoy it too. I have started prepping 10 new panels for a series called the “Travelers”. It has been an idea i have been sketching for as well as planning for the last few years and feel it’s relevant to me more now so than ever. It probably is the combining of all the previous works of art that has led me to this series however it’s this past year that I think gives it the meaning I was searching for all along. It ties in childhood ideas with adult perspective. Along the way I think it just represents life how I see up to now. I also know It seems insane to work the way I do at the moment however I believe in sharing more not only for me but for those I love. I also believe that what I see now is a little bigger than what I was doing before. Life gives us a new perspective from time to time and if we truly are lucky we can witness to adjust. So no list is too long to accomplish. As for everything in life it is only a matter of time and energy put into something in order to receive the benefit of accomplishment. Even if it’s only for your own enjoyment. It is that selfishness that I’m going to learn to love and pursue. As for those it seems I have it all even if I feel I may have lost it all. I am aware of all my projects that exist. All my creations are seeing reality and as life of 2020 comes to an end by the days I see life becoming even more surreal in the near future of 2021. Some of it is my dreams and some of it is just my nightmares. Overall though is it not true… Life’s but a dream. So on that note back to creating this world to share to you all. Stay tuned.


Chase your Dreams and Nightmares.


They are all relevant to someone.


The world is surreal if you open your eyes.


Create the world you don’t want to destroy.


Sincerely may you have this day to enjoy.



Your Friend Jeffery

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Fallen idols, icons and ideas.

Regardless if my ego does or does not is really not my concern. Really the only main focus is to now complete the imaginary icons for my sanity. I guess that is why that fall may have knocked some sense into me. We will all fall. We all will feel the failures of life from time to time. It is the idea and the practice of realizing you will always be picking yourself up mentally and physically that makes us all the same fallen idol, icon and idea that I’d say makes us well “US”.

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