The Land of Pageia

Rubbing depicts the Land of Pageia ceremony called “The Parade of Death” - (Pencil on Paper) In the Collection of the Page Estate

The Myth of Pageia  

The beginning of it all is still not known. Only in speculation can we even begin to propose a hypothesis of the land of Pageia. Ancient artifacts now being discovered show signs of the most advanced and oldest civilization ever predating even the Sumerians, Anunnaki and Egyptians by hundreds to thousands of centuries. Archeologist state it might explain every thing we know to date and even more so. 

It has tales that tell the origins of all cultures. It forewarns our errors to be repeated. The Protectors of the "P" is an order to slowly try to start every civilization differently yet as all civilizations the cultures repeat same mistakes to prove we at some point will either evolve or die.  Stay tuned to the land of Pageia.

ARGOS casting spells against one of the Neris from the Cult of 3 (Ink on Paper)

Tales of the Sea of Pageia Ink on Paper


Finding Pageia (By Prof. Page) The whole history of man’s evolution as far as it is known, has ben traced in the remains of about 200 skulls and other small collections of bones that have been pieced together at scattered sites throughout the world. The scientist who studied these remains are the first to declare that their knowledge of early man is still highly imperfect and incomplete. As an anthropologist William Howell points out, it’s not easy to become a fossil. Countless hordes of human creatures have lived and died in the last half million years; but only a very few left their bones in limestones or a place in which they could be created for immortality.

The search of these relics , and the interpretation of them, is a young and exciting science Professor Page concurs. It began in the fall of 1977 when two mad scientist shared millions of information with Professor Page as his journey began into the deep world of what was before. His interest in fossils presented himself with a collection of old books and bones that were uncovered by his Grandfather the prestigious and adventurer Joel Page in which he takes his name from. The bones that were uncovered were found outside the dry lakes in the California desert. The finds were all kinds of remains. Some from species yet unclassified. Amongst this vast area more parts thats were remarkably human were also very abstractly primitive and strange. It was here Professor Page realized he found the lost world of what was before. The time before Pangea. It was the ancient land of Pageia. Not since 1859, Charles Darwin of England published the Origin of Species, and the principle of evolution was on it’s way to becoming one of the great master keys of science according to Time Life. Though with this discovery the possibilities of history can be rewritten forever. The land of Pageia is what was unknown and the paradise that was lost.

Due to weather and location. Digs are annually planned. The collection is growing as our staff prepares it for museum and gallery displays. Private collectors and schools may contact

Creation stories of Pageia (Ink on Paper)

The Beginning of the Book of P in the Land of Pageia. - Translation by Prof. Page

In the time before the Protectors everyone had secrets and knowledge to share. These secrets ideas and other forms of knowledge were transcribed by Argos for the Cult of 3’s Neris Trinity. It was then when the book was finally finished that the darkness then fell upon Pageia.

To be continued.

All translation is coming from the members of Prof. Pages Explorers Foundation

Please join us and explore this land of Pageia.

King Gi Ju Ju (Ink on Paper)

All items are part an ever growing collection from the archaeological digs led by Professor Jeffery Joel Page and Senior Head of Expedition Dr. Indiana Jones. (All staff and fellow contributors are always welcomed.)

The Saving of the Abolished (Ink on Paper)

White Buffalo Petraglyph Linoleum Block Print c.2022 Turquoise and Gold

The Parade of Death - A ceremony in the Land of Pageia (Ink on Paper)

The Parade of Death - A ceremony in the Land of Pageia pt.II (Ink on Paper)

The Parade of Death (The Mystics) Ink on Paper

The Crucifier of the Guilty

The Burial Cross in the Land of Pageia. A follower of the Protectors holds the Burial Cross.

The last Burial before the flood. The Burial Cross was always kept in one of the original 13 colonies. That was before the Cult of Three came to steal it for their own dark magic. Currently lost somewhere in the Americas. Made of pure gold and decorated by emeralds, rubies and diamonds with one huge blue sapphire in the center. This was given to the First Born from the Sk ie Nauts. As all treasures were gifts from the Sk ie Nauts.

Protector of the heart found in Los Angeles, CA c. 2022 on Cardboard. Land of Pageia lives.

Land of Pageia 1 Parade of Death

Parade of Death #1 Story from the Land of Pageia c.2022 by Los Angeles Artist told from Ancient scrolls

Land of Pageia 2 Parade of Death

Parade of Death #2 Story from the Land of Pageia c.2022 by Los Angeles Artist told from Ancient scrolls

Parade of Death #3 Story from the Land of Pageia c.2022 by Los Angeles Artist told from Ancient scrolls

Parade of Death #4 Story from the Land of Pageia c.2022 by Los Angeles Artist told from Ancient scrolls

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