

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

Dig It or Don't...


Dig It or Don’t


Sitting here having a sip of coffee on this Friday, it's actually  a little past noon. My day has started off a little slower than usual but that's okay I realize there is no rush or race that we are truly in. Technically I can’t be late to a world that I create. It's strange when it seems more appealing stepping out of the fast lane. Especially when you are use to going, going, going. Once you do it’s quite amazing. You actually become a little more aware and life becomes a little more enjoyable. We all seem to have our own garden’s to dig yet never take time to plant the seed nor to nurture the garden long enough to reap its benefits. It’s this lack of tending to our own garden’s that make’s it seem stressful dealing with one just as our own personal life experiences good or bad. I guess that is why I have looked inward to see better looking outward. I have a lot of visions that I see as successful even if they are not considered amazing to anyone but myself. That though is a great life to me.Especially as this year seems to make us more aware of the negatives even if to most of us it is as always just for the moment. It is in this weird way of looking at life that this somehow new found wisdom in myself came. Somehow a lot of self reflecting over the last 3 months there has been thoughts of looking back to move forward. Yet still taking sometime being happy with the perspective at your present time. We are never going to be happy completely and I still find it relatively strange that we even find it controllable to trick ourself to believing that. However, one thing is for sure. Life is better strolling through it from time to time especially while we take the time to stop and smell the roses. It is through that self appreciation that we can focus on looking at what we have and also looking forward to what we can attain. The only thing we have to remember is make sure to do it with just a little patience and forgiveness. So don’t be upset that you might not always be able to tend to the garden. Just remember to not just neglect it. Always plant seeds, water and be constant with a schedule to watch your garden grow…


Back to sounding a little like Joe Dirt I suppose.


That however is a great philosophy and metaphor for life.


Life’s a garden. Dig it.


Have an awesome Friday and also remember to sometime’s just say, “Fuck it.”





Your Friend


All artwork below are just pieces sharing flowers of a garden from the past.

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