

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

Get It or Don't...

Get It or Don’t


What can you actually say about not being on time? Either you are or you are not. In some ways I have always been ahead. That also means that somehow I might be so far ahead that I end up just being behind. I don’t think it is prolific for me to see these things in culture coming. I think it’s just my overall observations I have watching society. The biggest reason why I am usually behind is that I am already over whatever I did that I foresaw coming. It’s like most of the political artwork I have done or even the cultural awareness stuff that I portray in my own going series “Rape of America”. These observations are real and if you really pay attention you can see them happen before they do. That is of course if you are being realistic. I know that in my life I think of it as a rocket launch. There is a lot of time that exist before the rocket is launched which is shown that a launch will be happening. They must prepare the launch pad. Run tests. Even set up the rocket for take off. I feel society is the same way. You can be surprised by it constantly happening however I believe we just try to ignore it. Either way I am usually behind on the rocket launch as I’m already in space I guess. There is that feeling that I do have as I’m well ahead in some travels. Overall though I still believe it’s all about getting it done. Not everything will ever be turned in on time nor will everything always be graded. The one thing that is important is to finish what you started. That is why sometimes I feel behind even if the thought was ahead. It’s all about hierarchy of what’s important. To me all of it is. It’s life and really I don’t even know what time is other than a concept to make sense of it all adding structure to our chaos that exists. Now it’s time to create.


You either get it or you don’t…


Thanks for your time.


Sincerely Me

aka Your Friend

Jeffery Page

Below paintings are all experiments in watercolor and ink.
