

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

Short & Sweet with Half Full & Black

Short & Sweet with Half Full & Black


Sipping on black coffee and rearranging things and organizing the projects is what today has started as and technically usually what most days start off as. Currently half way through this french press it’s been slightly refreshing thinking of the new zines and print release set I’ll be doing. Each zine is really the collective of a the meeting of my styles combined with a little mystery along the way. The Tale of the White Rabbit is a unique look into a world of a not so distant past and also a not too distant future with a twist of surrealism. While the second is called Deja Voodoo that is a blend of a lucid dream and terrifying nightmares definitely taking you on a surrealistic trip. Slated for February 2021. Some other release tied in with these two projects will also bring a new line of items for everyone. Definitely excited to share more.


Now, for this week and the agenda. Obviously working on the pages for the new prints and zines but as always juggling multiple things at once. So there is no forget about adding to the Unicorn Sea Horse painting in Oil. It sometimes is hard to leave a painting alone when you are able to keep longer.  This one has been a really fun commission. I’ll share photos when they are taken.

 Then of course let’s not forget my favorite stuff known as computer work. There is a little bit of sarcasm in that. I used to love the technology however the older I get the more I feel the tangible world to be so precious. That is not saying I’m not using it daily. I’m just trying to make sure I spend time now pursuing making the Mad world of Jeffery Page a reality. I love being able to wake up every morning trying to knock down this every growing bucket list. The hardest problem may just be sleeping especially when you realize we all have the amazing abilities to create for entertainment in every level. So being stuck in the world of technology seems lower on the list of to do. Yet, here I am. Let’s face it I have to do it. Especially if we are not all seeing each other in person. 

 Now, If all stars are aligned I might even be able to get a little acrylic painting in today as well. We shall see. There is only so much time in the day to play. So, as always I will be chipping away at my stack of ideas from my land of imagination. Thank you all for your support and love. Today’s update is short while today is already started. Let’s get to it.


Sincerely your friend 

Me aka Jeffery

Ps. All updates will be on Mondays and Thursdays.

I hope you all sign up to be on my mailing list.

“Never except yesterday as your best even if today is your worst.” - Jeffery

Never except yesterday as your best even if today is your worst.
— Jeffery Page