

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

Oops a Ps. Keep on working on it...


Never posted from Friday and posted on today Sunday

So still trying to figure out exactly when and how I want to continue updating this website is slowly working. As in the previous blog I have decided to post on Mondays and Thursdays. These will also be the days that Special editions will be released. As for everything else it is as good as can be. I can’t say getting older is ever easy though. This week I was notified that another friend has passed and I’ve realized that it is what it is. Out of my control. It’s Life. The more you know. The more you lose. I guess it will be good to celebrate their life and just say, “Fuck It. Cheers.” I never have thought so much about not thinking until this year. At one point and time I think I’d probably decide to give myself a liquid lobotomy yet that is another thing I’ve refrained from doing. It sees to always be my problem with the world. Anytime something is in fashion or mainstream I just want to do the opposite. People are out of work and drinking. Well I want to be working and not drinking. I have always been against the grain. Though this time around I’m coming in wiser with sanded edges to this old pice of oak. So as I’ve been thinking about not thinking. Which I know is an oxymoron within itself. I’ve spent awhile putting myself on autopilot. At least that is what I’m trying to do. Explore within my studio and create. It is my job. It’s the only place I can happy accidents and total control of at least the world I create. It’s all anyone truly wants anyway. A place to call their own. It’s an act to be emperor or God. Control. That’s all we want out of life. Most just want that control even if it’s only  of their own life. Me. I just want to create. More so now since the greatest way to overcome anything is by sidetracking your mind. I guess that’s easier said than done to most people. Really though I seem to do it pretty well. I would love to tell you a secret of how to do it. That though I haven’t figured out how. Unless, you take my advice on having a ton of hobbies. I know that has always helped. Sometimes I wonder if those hobbies that I call work are also not just work that I’ve lied to myself and said it was my hobby. At this point I don’t even know what is the compulsion to play or what drive is the work. I guess it is a weird perception of confidence in my world that makes me look at this other world and find it easy to spend more time in one the I create now. I never need to see anymore negatives. I know they exist. I think it’s just about finishing it all by chasing the sunsets and sunrises. If you see one on any given day that is great. If you see both then that is a bonus. My goal is to see as many as I can. I don’t care if I’m up all night or all day. The knowledge and appreciation to realize how important this life is to me is enough reason to chase my dragons. I might never catch them however I’ll be happy for the adventures and tales along the way.  So here’s to the old friends and new ones along the way. It’s now time to create some more. May you have a great evening and living your dream.

Sincerely Me

aka Jeffery

Ps. I wrote this Friday yet didn’t post it to the website until to day Sunday, Dec. 20th before 9:30amPST . Oops. Learning curves. Have a great day. Also enjoy some of these past paintings and pictures since I’ll be working on new ones.

(Paintings of past projects and adventures)

A-1a Block Print Hieroglyphic - Tale of the White Buffalo

A-1a Block Print Hieroglyphic - Tale of the White Buffalo

A-2a Block Print Hieroglyphic - Tale of the White Buffalo

A-2a Block Print Hieroglyphic - Tale of the White Buffalo