

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

I like Halloween... Do You???

Halloween is a week a way. 

Hey Boo, I did this for you. Take Care and remember your Uncle and Sousing Jeffery Loves you all and believes life is always one big trick and one big treat. Enjoy. Me

My Ghost Boo.

Boo’s a ghost with the most and boy does Boo love to host

Just ask Boo’s trick or treaters.

Now don’t Boo Hoo,  Boo is not blue.

Boo likes all monsters including one eye one for purple people eaters.

Boo does not mind every day is Halloween time

Boo thinks every day should be fun.

Don’t Comb your hair and give a scare.

Halloween is the day that makes everyone number one.

It’s all about play and make believe all day

Stories of Monsters and ghost like Boo.

Remember to find some friends to stay with you til the end.

More the Merrier Makes Halloween fun like being with Boo.

Obviously nothing beats that truly being with you…

Sincerely with love and Trick or Treat. Me

Below are different Halloween art pieces I have done past and present.

To me Halloween is like theatre. That in itself is magical. 

Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat if you don’t I don’t care I’ll pull down your underwear


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