Punk Thug


Punk Thug


An ink drawing of Henry Garfield aka Henry Rollins of the Rollins Band and Black Flag photo taken by (?) lyrics are from “My War”.

Punk Thug

Punk Thug is my idea of what it is to be a free thinker and growing up in harsh environments. It may be the battle of even my own conflictions as my way of thinking is against the grain or even the popular culture. I truly believe being a Punk Thug as of now is what I’d be labeled. Maybe even piracy. I don’t like labels as it means we are just part of a group which eventually will be adopted. Reappropriate and eventually go against what it truly is. Although I decided I wanted to make shirts for free thinkers who feel out of place in this world that says we can be free only if we follow them. However, I’ve never been a follower. Not saying I would want to be a leader either. As that seems like way too much responsibility and a tad bit too narcissistic for my taste. I am just an individual sharing ideas, thoughts and creations that some would label as “Punk Thug” . A clothing line for individuals, free thinkers and Punk Thugs. - Jeffery Page (Jan.2022)

Punk Thug - 1. My Opinion

Punk Thug one is a design for those who have a simple message. My Opinion. It’s truly being an asshole. Let’s face it. All of our opinions stink and smell like shit to someone. So for those who want their message blatant this shirt is for you.

Punk Thug -2. I Really Hate You

Punk Thug two is meant as an equal message. I don’t truly hate anyone. Yet, If I did it would be you as a whole. A generalization. I believe Love & Hate are just feelings and temporary mask worn by individuals conveying an extreme personal problem. In any extreme there must be an opposite as in Physics as it is a conscious energy that one conveys. This shirt design was made originally for a millennial response as in the summer of 2017 as this wave of generation was being over correction, screamin’ “Yolo”, while acting like everything was love and peace while contradicting their own words by using the word hate against anyone who didn’t think like them as their own self indulgence reeked of narcissistic behavior. Obviously the first run of these shirts didn’t go over well. Yet I still believe I love and hate everyone equally as that is what life is. Balance. Anyone offended should probably take it personal. Even if it was not.

Punk Thug - 3. MIDLIFE CRISIS - This is 44

Punk Thug three is my answer to turning 44 and still keeping with that Los Angeles vibe of Living the Dream. If I was a 44 year old starting a hardcore band It would be called this. However, I am not. Yet this design is making it’s way to my On-Line Store. This is how I would take the imagery aesthetics of my favorite Hardcore bands with a modern take as most of us are grown up.


Just Say Fuck Off - Ink on Paper

Punk Thug - 4. Just Say Fuck Off

Punk Thug four is my answer to getting your point across and still keeping with that Los Angeles vibe of holding your ground. We’ve all wanted to yell this out loud to someone or wanted to give this advice to a friend. this. Yet this design is making it’s way to my On-Line Store. Let us know how you want it. or just say “Fuck Off”.