Chasing the Dragon - A look into the mysteries of the occult and underground.
Chasing the Dragon…. An ongoing quest for something out there.
Chasing the DRAGON
A deep in depth look at the mysteries of the occult, religion, dreams and the rabbit hole. Chasing the dragon is the problem with all artist. It is the forever challenge of trying to find that fix that leaves you with accomplishment. However, during this journey life happens. It is the the only constant thing in an artist life. It is life. Without living there is no art. However, living adds to the inspiration and obstacles that we create within our psyche. This only adds to the constant quest of translating life into a world in which it makes sense maybe only to us. Chasing the Dragon is the nightmares. It is the questions that are deep inside. The ones that torment us. The ones that haunt us. The ones that fuel us. The ones that comfort us. It is my ideas of chasing our passion that will end up destroying us.
For all information on Chasing the dragon and the ever-growing series of discovery. Please email of keep checking the blog and store. Thanks sincerely Me aka Jeffery Page
The Witching Hour. (Inquiries email
The balance within.