Not.So.Daily.Page 11.17.2023 - Black Friday, Sabbath Saturday, Bloody Sunday, and Cyber Monday
11.17.2023 - Black Friday, Sabbath Saturday, Bloody Sunday, and Cyber Monday
Today’s Thought - Believe in balance and you will be able to maneuver through all of life’s ups and downs.
Hello Friends and Fiends
Today 11.17.2023
Well it’s not Black Friday. Obviously I could get philosophical and deep on this Black Friday thing. However, I’ve been really working on just focusing on positives. Especially since we are all struggling in some shape and form it seems on this planet. So with that said let’s talk about the positives. There is nothing but positives that exist in my world these days of what I am control of. Tons of creations and projects underway while focusing on being a better person for those I consider friends and family as well as my community. Through that I have seen a change in not only me but those that I surround myself with. All energy in contagious. Especially the extremes. So focusing on more extremes with positivity is opening up even more doors than before. Which is rad as prospects in the near future are presenting themselves to cool endeavors. So I’ll be sharing more and more as my team that surrounds me is growing and is starting to help with some of my insanity. Which is why I am grateful to be feeling creative and happy to share some new merchandise for a Black Friday Sale. This sale that will last until the last day in November. So please look around and feel free to use the code: BLACKFRIDAY23 and you will get a special discount for I thankful for you and yours. Sincerely Me aka your friend Jeffery
Extra! Propaganda Zine is a current limited handmade art zine I made. I hope those who get one enjoy the original one of a kind piece that they will receive in a punk rock do it yourself art form with photos of friends, art and some other artistic ventures. For it is the past, the present and the future of my art of propaganda.
“The only walls that hold you back are the ones you build yourself.”