

These are the personal blogs, journals, poems and other just writings of Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page. All opinions, rants, raves and other content is just a perspective of a human being living in the United States using their first amendment right to create in some shape or form. Some fiction. Some Fairytale. Overall just some who creates daily in all mediums possible regardless good or bad. 

The Daily Page 12.9.21

Power of the Man.

Ruled by the power of the hand is the doom of man.

If you don’t fight and take a stand you are the lesser man.

If you are not big and strong are you a man?

The one who can rule them all.

Is deemed the better man.

Like one. Like them all.




The Power of Man.

Worshiping the idol

Faith to an alter.

To the idol.

To the saint.

To the Man.

To the woman.

To a God.

a tightrope for anyone to walk. 

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