Vintage Wrestling Valentine's

Vintage Wrestling Valentine’s are a look on how everything in today’s society may be culturally be inappropriate. As an ever growing world we fail to look forward and constantly try to change the past. In my view if we want anything to change we must stop looking back and really look forward. At one point and time these wrestlers were lucky enough to make a living as they sacrificed themselves for the sport known as wrestling. Yet were they truly loved? Maybe they were. However, like most people ahead of their time most likely not as much as they should have been. Surely now wrestlers are adorned as even the “Rock” is now a household name. Yet when I watched what was once WWF in elementary school and Jr. High in the 80’s it was still considered a sideshow act. Although now it’s even bigger than Baseball. Which I find completely amazing as it is now a multi million if not even billion dollar industry when some of these characters could barely afford to survive. So thinking of my love as a child for these characters I thought of how things change yet stay the same. As it seems everything in today’s society is about fame or money most of these wrestler’s did it out of love. Even out of love in today’s standards these wrestler’s would be criticized by this cancel culture as being culturally inappropriate even if it was only for pure entertainment. , So to put myself on the chopping block I wanted to make a collection of Valentine’s in honor of the wrestler’s and with some sexual innuendos to not only their characters of entertainment but also the comedians who made me appreciate the freedom of speech I have in this wonderful country I live in. So if you smell what the Rock is cooking I hope you enjoy with love my collection of arcade cards that I made into the Vintage Wrestling Valentine’s. Sincerely with love Me aka your friend Jeffery Page

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Vintage Wrestling Valentine’s

Vintage Valentines day cards avant garde provocateur Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page

See Store for sets.

Vintage Wrestling Valentine’s

Vintage Wrestling Valentine’s are a look on how everything in today’s society may be culturally be inappropriate. As an ever growing world we fail to look forward and constantly try to change the past. In my view if we want anything to change we must stop looking back and really look forward. At one point and time these wrestlers were lucky enough to make a living as they sacrificed themselves for the sport known as wrestling. Yet were they truly loved? Maybe they were. However, like most people ahead of their time they were not appreciated as much as they should have been. Surely now wrestlers are adorned as even the “Rock” is now a household name. Yet when I watched what was once WWF now called WWE in elementary school and Jr. High in the 80’s. It was still considered somewhat a sideshow act. Although now it’s even bigger than Baseball. Which I find completely amazing as it is now a multi million if not even billion dollar industry. When some of these characters could barely afford to survive. So thinking of my love as a child for these characters I thought of how it was also to share Valentine’s in school to show some love. As it seems everything in today’s society is about fame or money most of these wrestler’s did it out of love as they really didn’t get paid that much. However, Even out of love in today’s standards these wrestler’s would be criticized by this cancel culture as being culturally inappropriate even if it was only for pure entertainment purposes. Not too mention even sharing a Valentine’s Card to someone now days we might be hit with harassment as someone’s perspective might find it as unwanted harassment. Although in reality maybe we are all a little too serious. I mean really overall we are lovers not fighters. So to put myself on the chopping block I wanted to make a collection of Valentine’s in honor of the wrestler’s of yesterday with some sexual innuendos that are probably going to offend someone. Even if it’s not the innuendos it may be the cultural appropriation that may go too far. Although too be honest we have so much more than attack those of past, present and future who just try to entertain us by putting their necks on the line. So with the 1st amendment right by my side and as an artist my right to express. I wanted to release this series of characters from the less known years of wrestling entertainment with a nod to a day of love with my humor that was inspired by comedic greats who have and will always push that envelope to make us look at the absurd idea of what is now called “Cancel Culture”. So here’s to my love for those who dare to be different and to those who sacrifice themselves for their love to entertain us in this wonderful world that we all live in. So if you smell what the Rock is cooking I hope you enjoy with love my collection of arcade cards that I made into the Vintage Wrestling Valentine’s. Sincerely with love Me aka your friend Jeffery Page

See store to get a set for yourself or someone you’d love to wrestle. Let’s face it… We all want to do it. (Limited to 2 sets with 7 cards each. Limited to a 100 of each set. )

Vintage Valentines day cards avant garde provocateur Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page
Vintage Valentines day cards avant garde provocateur Los Angeles Artist Jeffery Page