Jeffery Page

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1.14.2021 Don’t ask what you can do…

1.14.2021 Don’t ask what you can do…

“Don’t ask what you can do for you and country. Ask what you can do for yourself.”

 -Jeffery Page

My look on today looking into the difference from JFK & Donald Trump.

I’m just a Man I still think even as a women I’d be quite the same. Which is really no different than most yet really different from every single person. In all reflections I’m uncomfortable in my own skin yet just as overly confident probably just as everyone else in some things. Knowing our flaws and being honest is the only way to any salvation and growth as a human being. It’s ok to lose. It’s ok to Fail. It’s ok to have a weakness. It’s truly ok to fuck up. Even Superman had Kryptonite and Lex Luther. He even probably was Bi-polar since let’s face it. Clark Kent. Superman. Clark Kent. Come one. It’s not Lois and Einhorn (Ace Ventura Reference). A pair of glasses makes you forget the person in leotards? Let’s face it even the most magical stories and historical events have one thing very much in common. It is the craziness and absurdity that it surrealistically comedic in true nature. So when I poke fun at people open and honestly. It’s me trying to sugar coat the horrible side of human nature with a bad joke. Let’s face it. Some people do some really really bad shit. I might make the mistake sometimes pointing out it out but whatever. I’m just documenting my time on this rock observing and documenting what I see and how I see it. Not saying I’m not guilty of my own bullshit. However, If you lose you lose. I’ve lost a lot in a lifetime. Probably more than I’d like to admit. Shit 2020 is a year I was down to disappear. Losing fucking sucks. Although, Is that not life? Those failures making success seem so sweet. However, what do I know? I’m probably on my own alhgorhithim thinking I can for see the future. Then sometimes it’s just mechanics. Work ethic. Luck. Then again just determination can get you somewhere with patience and progress. Hence why I’ve been writing quite a bit over the last few years working on some books of my crazy life as well as some non-fiction. I had to accept my own failures and losses to occupy that empty space. One way or another Are we not all just that? People just occupying space and time. I know I am. I’m just trying to not fuck people over and live the dream how I see fit. I know my dreams are not everyone else’s dreams. Even the closest people to me know that. This fact is proven as most of them are truly living our selfish ways in one way or another. Doesn’t matter who. Some are trying to help others in some shape or form as well. But it is a hierarchy scale. So when it truly comes to my point of this whole dilemma of the United States of America this all I have to say about democracy and the selfishness I see. If we are truly not unselfish, non bias, and only look toward a future of worshipping this planet, animals and the future education of what is the most important thing of our species and every other which is offspring then in all actuality I don’t see progress. So not trying to get in the see I told you so or a more aggressive approach of pushing my views by Yelling in your face by agreeing or disagreeing. I am going to graciously allow everything to be taken care of by “the TRUST I DO HAVE IN ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. That is to do the right thing and to lead by example.” I have done my duty by voting and must trust in all branches of government to do their job as they are to serve us the American People. I will always do drawings that have my points of view or even sometimes just gibberish. Yet really isn’t it all sometimes just that. Gibberish… I am very glad to be occupying my time creating in my world and thank each and everyone that takes the time to read these things. The support of you all is truly amazing and why I am always optimistic even if I’m realistic. I can tell you how this whole reality of life of the biggest Super Bowl is political and we are in the 4th quarter and the supposedly rich kid who own the only ball for the game gets mad and takes his ball because it’s not in his favor and leaves. So the story is not new. Let’s finish the game and move forward. None of want to spend like the inevitable “let’s Talk about the Good Ole Days” (Somewhat a Wu-Tang Reference). Regardless, Just remember always be ready but try to live in peace. Truly that is what we all want. NO? Well, I’d agree to disagree as I have Johny Cash singing about a thing called love. So on that note. If you need me reach out and say HOLA. Seriously Peace, Love and I hope you all are Living the Dream.

Sincerely Your Friend Me aka Jeffery Page 

I feel Like we all should be legally hash tagged for our names now.

Have an awesome day and be Awesome.

Ps. I still talk shit just trying not to talk shit about anybody. Sometime’s we have to just chill. I’m trying to dodge bullets not catch em’. If you feel me. I want Love. Love the Day. it’s all just a day. Cheers

This year has been busy so the updates on blogs and website will be only Tuesdays and Thursdays with releases on Fridays. Effective immediately. 

Below are some of things that might be offensive, observational or maybe an opinion. I can’t confirm or deny.