Jeffery Page

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The Daily Page . Creative Writing #2 - Windows

Windows in show the secrets while windows out show’s a world of possibilities. I believe we are more like windows rather doors or walls. We like to believe we are walls maybe even a foundation. Yet really we are nothing more than windows. Even the most elusive are transparent if you peek into their windows long enough so to speak. This who pull down the shades still show signs. It’s amazing to thing we are this fragile inanimate object so simple as a window. Some of us are open. Some of us are closed. We are all still just fragile panes of glass in general. Some have bars for protection while others may never be locked. It is that diversity and observation that makes me feel people are the same way. Wether the window is old or new, expensive or cheap. One thing is in come. They all serve a purpose. When I think of us as a species I do realize our purpose is to just be “Human”. We will all have our differences yet we will all belong as part of this one big house with unique style called Earth. 

The Daily Page is just a bunch of random writing. Old entries that I call journals, sketchbooks, scraps of paper stapled together. Sometimes it could be a tweet, thought or just random nonsense. I hope that you enjoy the other additions to my madness. Sincerely Your Friend Me. aka Jeffery